A strong cheese made with baby goat and/or lamb’s rennet.
The seasoning lasts approximately from three to six months and more.
Its compact close texture and spicy, sharp flavour proposes it as a prestigious and flavoursome main course, designed for the most discriminating tastes and refined palates who love tradition.
fettine 200 gr ATM
pancette 5kg (1 pezzo)
pancette 5kg (2 pezzi)
pancette 10 kg
pancette 20 kg – spago paraffinato
pancette 30 kg – spago paraffinato
mandaroni 20 kg
pancettone 100 kg
trancio 2,5 kg
fettine 200 gr
fettine 300 gr
mezzaluna – 200gr
cavalletto personalizzato per provolone da 100 Kg