Ingredients: 3/4 cup sweet frumenty zest of 1 lime or half of a lemon 10 thin slices of Trikalinos avgotaraho ½ teaspoon of freshly ground pepper Boil 1 litre of water, add the frumenty and the zest and cook until the soup thickens. Cut the avgotaraho into transparent slivers or small [...]
Lentil soup with Trikalinos bottarga
Seafood, Soup
Ingredients (serves 6): 500 g of peeled lentils 1 medium peeled onion 1 clove of garlic 1 bay leaf ½ cup of olive oil 1 liter of water 24 g. of Trikalinos sliced bottarga freshly ground pepper olive oil and chives to garnish Boil the lentils with onion, garlic, bay leaf [...]
Foie gras terrine with truffle and Trikalinos avgotaraho
Ingredients (serves 4): 4 large slices of foie gras (340 gr.) 1/4 teaspoon of salt 1 pinch of pepper 1 pinch of sugar 1 sprig of rosemary 1 sprig of oregan 1 goblet of Metaxa brandy 20 thin slices of truffle 20 slices of Trikalinos avgotaraho Remove fibres from the foie [...]
Trikalinos Avgotaracho tortillas
Ingredients : 8 small tortillas 3/4 cup of cream cheese 1/4 cup of strained yoghurt 1tablespoon of finely chopped dill 1 finely chopped green onion (only the green part) 8 medium-sized lettuce leaves (washed and dried) 1 medium-sliced cucumber 40 thin slices of Trikalinos avgotaraho Combine the cream cheese with the [...]
Bruschetta with avgotaraho
Ingredients : 15 slices of avgotaraho 3/4 cup of celery 15 medium-sized cherry tomatoes 2 tablespoons of olive oil 1 teaspoon of freshly ground pepper juice of1 lemon4 slices of dark bread or 8 rusks Finely chop the celery and the tomatoes. Mix with the salt, olive oil and lemon juice and [...]
Red mullets with bottarga espuma
Ingredients : ½ a kilo of red mullets juice of half an orange juice of half a lime 10 sprigs of fresh thyme 1 spoonfull of oil for sautéing 2 sp. of bottarga espuma 1 pinch of Trikalinos fleur de sel Marinate the red mullets in the citrus juices and thyme [...]
Bottarga and crab (in its own broth)
Ingredients : 4 medium sized crabs (fresh or frozen) 4 teaspoons of Trikalinos bottarga powder 1 large onion (finely chopped) 1 tsp of grated ginger ½ of a fennel (finely chopped) ½ a clove of garlic (finely chopped) 1 glass of Malagouzia wine (or Chardonnay) 150 ml of water 2 tbsp of [...]
Spaghetti with Trikalinos avgotaraho
Pasta, Seafood
Ingredients (serves 4) : 1 packet of spaghetti (500 g) 25 slices of Trikalinos avgotaraho (bottarga) 8 tablespoons of olive oil 1 cup of finely chopped leek ½ of lemon both juice and zest salt and freshly ground pepper Boil the spaghetti according to the instructions on the package. Heat 4 tablespoons [...]
Pea soup veloute with olive oil and bottarga
Seafood, Soup
Ingredients : 1 k of peas 20 gr. of chopped dill 50 gr. of leek, finely chopped 50 ml of Malagouzia white wine Olive oil for sautéing Water, enough to cover the peas 12 drops of extra virgin olive oil 20g. of Trikalinos Bottarga, finely sliced pink peppercorns Sauté the leeks in olive [...]